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- 非常適合需要直接連接到OTT應用程序的企業
可以使用 Global Peer Connect 端口,在全球超過1646 運營商中立數據中心和 104 Cogent 數據中心中與 Global Peer Exchange中的任何其他成員對等連接。
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Global Peer Exchange 是:
任何運行 AS(自治系統)的網絡都可以加入Global Peer Exchange
Global Peer Connect 端口
詳細了解 Cogent在最大互連的網絡之一的Cogent網絡上提供的可靠、可擴展且價格合理的帶寬。
National law firm sees clear evidences of increased productivity in Cogent connected offices
Cogent has helped CDN77 to scale their business, as well as expand into previously untapped markets due to the breadth of the network.
Cogent delivers a fast, reliable connection and superior customer service at a reasonable price
Cogent delivers scalable bandwidth and responsive service to facilitate law firm's day-to-day business
phoenixNAP streamlines service delivery and provides better customer experience with Cogent
The City of Monroe delivers broadband Internet to 5,000 customers thanks to Cogent's high quality and low price.
Cogent Dedicated Internet Access service installed 20 times faster than reseller of RBOC services
“Our deep analysis of the telco market in our region showed that Cogent has an unbeatable SLA and excellent pricing.” - Vjekoslav Dalić, Altus IT
“Cogent enables us to sell a very high - quality connection at a cost that keeps us profitable.”
– Kevin Resendes, EndLayer, LLC
“Cogent’s sales and support team have technical expertise and are easy to reach.” – Brian Roche, Bay Country Communications, Inc.
“Since we started using Cogent, this has brought us many improvements.” – Alan Prado, Link + Internet
“Cogent was able to provide us colocation and bandwidth services within a week’s notice.” - Jeff Liegel, Engineer at iTalk Global Communication
“Knowing that I have my hosting infrastructure backed by Cogent's network has made it easy to build my business because I can depend on the reliability of the network." - Nathaniel Breitbach, CEO and founder, Stapel, LLC
“By working collaboratively with Cogent, we were able to provide our customer with a complete and holistic solution to meet their needs."
- Colin Woods, FreedomTech